The 10 Minute “Mum Tum” Workout

10x Exercises . 1 Minute Per Exercise

Forget sit-ups and crunches (for now), instead aim to focus more on strengthening your pelvic floor and transverse abdominal muscles. These muscles lie deep within the belly and help to “pull” the surface muscles in. Without strong inner muscles, your outer muscles will bulge & protrude out.


Increase your pelvic-floor and deep core strength with these targeted exercises -
1. Pelvic Floor Squeezes
2. Pelvic Floor Holds
3. Dead Bugs
4. Toe Taps
5. Flutter Kicks
6. Hollow Body Hold
7. Kneeling Crunches (30secs Each Side)
8. Forearm Plank
9. Side Plank (Left)
10. Side Plank (Right)


FEEL BE LOOK Postpartum

A 12-week safe & supportive postpartum exercise program designed to strengthen both your pelvic floor muscles + your deep abdominal muscles, whilst preparing you to transition to standard exercise.

No fancy equipment needed & do-able alongside your little one/s.