WELLBEING - Never let time get in the way of self-care again

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Summary - 

Have you ever used the excuse, ‘I don’t have time’ when asked why you don’t prioritise self-care? If so, then this episode is for you. If you’ve got time to sit on the toilet, then you’ve got time to dedicate to self-care. Whether you’ve got 10mins, 30mins or 3HRS - here is a list of simple, effective self-care practices you can implement today.

Things I Mention - 

  • A list of some of the most effective self-care activities no matter how much time you have.

  • Why as women, self-care may have found itself down the bottom of the priority list.

PLUS, I let you in what you should be doing at night to treat the root cause of exhaustion and to wind-down effectively after a long, busy day. 

Links & Helpful Resources - 

Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my practical tips & tricks and if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? Thanks!

Whether you've got 10 minutes or 2 hours, here are a list of some of the most effective self-care activities no matter how much time you have. 

Coincidentally, when I was visiting my hairdresser recently, I read an article in a magazine about the importance of finding time to care for yourself and your body and I wanted to share some of those tips because the article mentioned a few great self-care activities that we could do depending on how much time we have available even if we only have 10-15mins.

There's been a real shift in the way that we look after ourselves which means that these days we mostly indulge in self-care only when we're out to impress (a man, a boss, a mean girl, our girlfriends etc.). You'll be hard-pressed to find a handful of women nowadays that truly implement self-care into their day to day life for optimal health & wellness long-term. Given that we are are now distracted & connected 24/7, we are becoming terrible at tuning into our own bodies therefore I think it's important now more than ever, to build self-care into our lives, just as we would sleeping, eating or brushing our teeth rather than viewing it as a 'treat', We prioritise things like taking the kids to soccer or making sure the dishes get done before bed so we should be able to prioritise doing things for ourselves ESPECIALLY when life is busy & full as this is when it is needed most.

Self-care comes in so many forms and if you've purchased my eBook ‘The A to Z of Confidence’ you should have discovered a few activities that work for you and your lifestyle. One of the most common excuses is that we don't have time and so to combat this excuse, one of the best things we can do is to start to break our daily habits and in doing so, make time for the things that matter most. Think of those days where you feel absolutely exhausted. For most of us, this almost always ends in coming home to sit on the couch with a glass of wine and some trashy TV. Now there is nothing wrong with this but what our mind and body really wants and needs at times like this is to be 'quiet' - to meditate, to take a bath, to stretch, to sleep. So no matter how much time you have, here a few effective forms of self-care that you might like to try in order to break a few of your current habits that aren’t serving you as well as you’d like -


  • MEDITATE - do a guided body scan meditation. This works best before a nap or before going to sleep but my advice would be to utilise those 10mins whenever it pops up. There are stacks of free meditation apps and videos on YouTube. I’ll leave a link to one of my favourites in the show notes. 

  • PRACTICE GRATITUDE - Write a very simple list of 3-5 things you are grateful for at that exact moment.


  • TURN TO MUSIC - listen to upbeat music and dance like no one is watching. My kids and I blast music almost daily and have our own little dance party and it does wonders for all of our moods. 

  • LISTEN TO A PODCAST - podcasts are great for increasing motivation and inspiration. This is one of my favourite self-care activities. 


  • READ A MAGAZINE/ BOOK - not only is this good for the soul, it's good for the brain too.

  • GET CREATIVE - paint, draw, build, sew, experiment with DIY activities, grow a veggie garden or cull & re-organise your wardrobe easily and without the overwhelm using my new digital course - ‘Cull Your Wardrobe Like A Stylist’. You’ll feel amazing for it. 

  • BAKE - kill two birds with one stone and prepare some healthy snacks/ treats for the week ahead. My favourites are by Teresa Cutter, JS Health or Wholefood Simply.


  • HEAD OUTDOORS - go for a walk some place beautiful, hike, sit by the water, feet buried in the sand and watch the waves roll in or lie on the grass in a beautiful garden.


  • SOCIALISE - go on a date night, organise a catch up with your girlfriends or visit family - connect, grow and strengthen your relationships. Our relationships play a huge role in our overall happiness so its important not to neglect them. 

I’m going to keep this one short & sweet today. I hope this has given you some great little ideas on how to better take care of yourself and to kick those excuses once and for all.