Quick Fix - Honing Your Intuition
A series of short, to-the-point chats with the industries best. No intro, no small talk, no wasting your time, just the answers you want & need to ensure you feel, be & look your best.
With Psychic, Author & Energy Forecaster, Helen Jacobs.
EC. Helen, if you had to give intuition a definition, what would it be?
HJ. The best way to think about intuition is a push or a pull, a hunch or a feeling that is guiding you. It may not be logical, it might not make sense but something will either feel right or wrong or you'll just know that it's time to change.
EC. In your newest book, Follow Your Heart, you mention that if someone finds it hard to tune into their intuition, they’re likely using logic more so than feeling. What’s the best way to tap in and allow your heart to lead and make decisions?
HJ. Start with 5 minutes when you’re not distracted, not thinking about anything else and just sit and feel. Just 5 minutes either the minute you wake up or before you go to sleep. Use this time to check in with how you're feeling. Until you can do this and really sit with your feelings, the rest will not flow. So give yourself 5 minutes.
EC. For anyone feeling sceptical and unsure if they even have an intuition, what would you say to them?
HJ. Scepticism is actually really healthy. If you're unsure, ask yourself - have you ever had butterflies in your tummy or have you had the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you weren't in the safest of situations? Even just knowing your body needs rest is your intuition talking to you but we don't think of it like that, right!? We think intuition is a little more woo woo but our body is talking to us all the time. If we listen to every single thing it's saying, there's a heck of a lot of data there.
EC. Why is it important to make decisions based off your intuition? What will happen if we don’t?
HJ. I mean, the whole world won't cave in but we deserve to have a moment of remembering who we are and why we're really here. Intuition is this lifeline to deeper wisdom and knowledge. When you think about it, we spend so long asking everyone else for their opinion and questioning what to do next yet they're not living your life, only you are. Your intuition is internal advice and access to answers. Even though your friends and family may love, adore and want the best for you, they don't always know your past. Over time making the right decision for you will become easier. You can then be who you really want to be and that's going to make you a lot happier - not your parents, your siblings, your spouse or someone else, that will make YOU happy!
EC. You have 3 incredible books. Which would you suggest someone read first?
HJ. This most recent one, Follow Your Heart, is really practical. It breaks it down step-by-step so if you’re brand new to all of this, start with Follow Your Heart.
EC. You have 2 very sweet daughters. As a mum of two, what works best for you when prioritising your daily ritual?
HJ. Flexibility but also being OK to include our children in all of this. So often my clients (and myself at times) want to lock ourselves in a quiet room and do practices like this in private. Why not teach our kids? Let's involve them in it.
EC. Finally, you have 1 amazing podcast - The Guided Collective. Where do we start?
HJ. I would start with Episode #54 - it’s been downloaded the most. It’s an episode I did back in March 2020 where I predicted what the pandemic was going to bring us. It’s definitely the most listened to, even now, it's still being downloaded 3 yrs on. You'll get a real flavour for what I'm about, so start with that one.
Follow Helen Jacobs on Instagram - @helenjacobs.co